Tag: astrophysics
Accelerate groupby operation on pixels with Numba
[Tue 24 March 2015] -
clviewer, interactive plot of CMB spectra
[Tue 17 September 2013] -
Planck CMB map at high resolution
[Tue 10 September 2013] -
Interactive figures in the browser: CMB Power Spectra
[Fri 30 August 2013] -
Interactive 3D plot of a sky map
[Tue 12 March 2013] -
Elliptic beams, FWHM and ellipticity
[Fri 18 January 2013] -
pyfits memory leak in new_table
[Mon 28 March 2011] -
healpix coordinates
[Wed 23 June 2010] -
Relation between Power density and temperature in an antenna
[Fri 28 March 2008] -
pillole di astrofisica
[Wed 20 September 2006]