Bob Sinkovits and I are presenting a paper at PEARC18 about:

"Deploying Jupyter Notebooks at scale on XSEDE resources for Science Gateways and workshops"

See the pre-print on Arxiv:

Jupyter Notebooks provide an interactive computing environment well suited for Science. JupyterHub is a multi-user Notebook environment developed by the Jupyter team.

In order to provide adequate amount of memory and CPU to many users for example during workshops, it is necessary to leverage a distributed system, either leveraging multiple Jetstream instances or interfacing with a traditional HPC system.

In this work we present 3 strategies for deploying JupyterHub on XSEDE resources to support a large number of users, each is linked to the step-by-step tutorial with all necessary configuration files:

Presentation slides

If are an author at PEARC18, you can follow my instructions on how to publish your preprint to Arxiv