Jupyterhub deployment on multiple nodes with Docker Swarm
This post is part of a series on deploying Jupyterhub on OpenStack tailored at workshops, in the previous posts I showed:
- How to deploy a Jupyterhub on a single server with Docker and Python/R/Julia support
- How to deploy the previous server from a pre-built image and customize it
The limitation of a single server setup is that it cannot scale beyond the resources available on that server, especially memory. Therefore for a workshop that requires to load large amount of data or with lots of students it is recommended to use a multi-server setup.
Fortunately Docker already provides that flexibility thanks to Docker Swarm. Docker Swarm allows to have a Docker interface that behaves like a normal single server instance but instead launches containers on a pool of servers. Therefore there are mininal changes on the Jupyterhub server.
Jupyterhub will interface with the Docker Swarm service running locally, Docker Swarm will take care of launching containers across the other nodes. Each container will launch a Jupyter Notebook server for a single user, then Jupyterhub will proxy the container port to the users. Users won't connect directly to the nodes in the Docker Swarm pool.
Setup the Jupyterhub server
Let's start from the public image already available, see just the first section "Create a Virtual Machine in OpenStack with the pre-built image" in http://zonca.github.io/2016/04/jupyterhub-image-sdsc-cloud.html for instructions on how to get the Jupyterhub single server running.
Setup Docker Swarm
First of all we need to have Docker accessible remotely so we need to configure it to listen on a TCP port, edit /etc/init/docker.conf
and replace DOCKER_OPTS=
in the start
section with:
DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
Port 2375 is not open on the OpenStack configuration, so this is not a security issue.
Then we need to run 2 swarm services in Docker containers, first a distributed key-store listening on port 8500 that is needed for Swarm to store information about all the available nodes, Consul:
docker run --restart=always -d -p 8500:8500 --name=consul progrium/consul -server -bootstrap
the manager which provides the interface to Docker Swarm:
HUB_LOCAL_IP=$(ip route get | awk 'NR==1 {print $NF}')
docker run --restart=always -d -p 4000:4000 swarm manage -H :4000 --replication --advertise $HUB_LOCAL_IP:4000 consul://$HUB_LOCAL_IP:8500
This sets HUB_LOCAL_IP
to the internal ip of the instance, then starts the Manager container.
We are running both with automatic restarting, so that they are launched again in case of failure or after reboot.
You can check if the containers are running with:
docker ps -a
and then you can check if connection works with Docker Swarm on port 4000:
docker -H :4000 ps -a
Check the Docker documentation for a more robust setup with multiple Consul services and a backup Manager.
Setup Jupyterhub
Following the work by Jess Hamrick for the compmodels Jupyterhub deployment, we can get the jupyterhub_config.py
from https://gist.github.com/zonca/83d222df8d0b9eaebd02b83faa676753 and copy them into the home of the ubuntu user.
Share users home via NFS
We have now a distributed system and we need a central location to store the home folders of the users, so that even if they happen to get containers on different server, they can still access their files.
Install NFS with the package manager:
sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
edit /etc/exports
, add:
/home *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
Ports are not open in the NFS configuration.
Setup networking
Before preparing a node, create a new security group under Compute -> Access & Security and name it swarm_group
We need to be able to have open traffic between the swarmsecgroup
and the group of the Jupyterhub instance, jupyterhubsecgroup
in my previous tutorial. So in the new swarmsecgroup
, add this rule:
- Add Rule
- Rule: ALL TCP
- Direction: Ingress
- Remote: Security Group
- Security Group:
Add another rule replacing Ingress with Egress.
Now open the jupyterhubsecgroup
group and add the same 2 rules, just make sure to choose as target "Security Group" swarmsecgroup
On the swarmsecgroup
also add a Rule for SSH traffic from any source choosing CIDR and, you can disable this after having executed the configuration.
Setup the Docker Swarm nodes
Launch a plain Ubuntu instance
Launch a new instance, all it swarmnode
, choose the size depending on your requirements, and then choose "Boot from image" and get Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (16.04 should work as well, but I haven't yet tested it). Remember to choose a Key Pair under Access & Security and assign the Security Group swarmsecgroup
Temporarily add a floating IP to this instance in order to SSH into it, see my first tutorial for more details.
Setup Docker Swarm
First install Docker engine:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D
echo "deb https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo ubuntu-trusty main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y docker-engine
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
Then make the same edit we did on the hub, edit /etc/init/docker.conf
and replace DOCKER_OPTS=
in the start
section with:
DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
Restart Docker with:
sudo service docker restart
Then run the container that interfaces with Swarm:
NODE_LOCAL_IP=$(ip route get | awk 'NR==1 {print $NF}')
docker run --restart=always -d swarm join --advertise=$NODE_LOCAL_IP:2375 consul://$HUB_LOCAL_IP:8500
Copy the address of the Jupyterhub server in the HUB_LOCAL_IP
Setup mounting the home filesystem
sudo apt-get install autofs
add in /etc/auto.master
/home /etc/auto.home
create /etc/auto.home
echo "* $HUB_LOCAL_IP:/home/&" | sudo tee /etc/auto.home
using the internal IP of the hub.
sudo service autofs restart
verify by doing:
ls /home/ubuntu
ls /home/training01
you should see the same files that were on the Jupyterhub server.
Create users
As we are using system users and mounting the home filesystem it is important that users have the same UID on all nodes, so we are going to run on the node the same script we ran on the Jupyterhub server:
bash create_users.sh
Test Jupyterhub
Login on the Jupyterhub instance with 2 or more different users, then check on the console of the Hub that the containers were launched on the swarmnode
docker -H :4000 ps -a
Create more nodes
Now that we created a fully functioning node we can clone it to create more to accomodate more users.
Create a snapshot of the node
First we need to delete all Docker containers, ssh into the swarmnode
and execute:
docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)
Docker has a unique identifying key, we need to remove that so that it will be regenerated by the clones.
sudo service docker stop
sudo rm /etc/docker/key.json
Then from Compute->Instances choose "Create Snapshot", call it swarmnodeimage
Launch other nodes
Click on Launch instance->"Boot from Snapshot"->swarmnodeimage
, choose the swarmnodesecgroup
Security Group. Choose any number of instances you need.
Each node will need to launch the Swarm container with its own local ip, not the same as our first node. Therefore we need to use the "Post Creation"->"Direct Input" and add this script:
1 2 3 4 | #!/bin/bash
NODE_LOCAL_IP=$(ip route get | awk 'NR==1 {print $NF}')
docker run --restart=always -d swarm join --advertise=$NODE_LOCAL_IP:2375 consul://$HUB_LOCAL_IP:8500
is the internal network IP address of the Jupyterhub instance and NODE_LOCAL_IP
will be filled with the IP of the OpenStack image just created.
See for example Jupyterhub with 3 remote Swarm nodes running containers for 4 training users:
$ docker -H :4000 ps -a
60189f208df2 zonca/jupyterhub-datascience-systemuser "tini -- sh /srv/sing" 11 seconds ago Up 7 seconds>8888/tcp swarmnodes-1/jupyter-training04
1d7b05caedb1 zonca/jupyterhub-datascience-systemuser "tini -- sh /srv/sing" 36 seconds ago Up 32 seconds>8888/tcp swarmnodes-2/jupyter-training03
733c5ff0a5ed zonca/jupyterhub-datascience-systemuser "tini -- sh /srv/sing" 58 seconds ago Up 54 seconds>8888/tcp swarmnodes-3/jupyter-training02
282abce201dd zonca/jupyterhub-datascience-systemuser "tini -- sh /srv/sing" About a minute ago Up About a minute>8888/tcp swarmnodes-1/jupyter-training01
29b2d394fab9 swarm "/swarm join --advert" 13 minutes ago Up 13 minutes 2375/tcp swarmnodes-2/romantic_easley
8fd3d32fe849 swarm "/swarm join --advert" 13 minutes ago Up 13 minutes 2375/tcp swarmnodes-3/clever_mestorf
1ae073f7b78b swarm "/swarm join --advert" 13 minutes ago Up 13 minutes 2375/tcp swarmnodes-1/jovial_goldwasser
Where to go from here
At this level the deployment is quite complicated, so it is probably worth automating it with an ansible
playbook, that will be the subject of the next blog post, I think the result will be a simplified version of Jess Hamrick's compmodels deployment. Still, I recommend starting with a manual setup to understand how the different pieces work.
If docker -H :4000 ps -a
gives the error:
Error response from daemon: No elected primary cluster manager
it means the Consul container is broken, remove it and create it again.
Thanks to Jess Hamrick for sharing the setup of her compmodel class on Github, the Jupyter team for releasing such great tools and Kevin Coakley and the rest of the SDSC Cloud team for OpenStack support and resources.