Gordon has already a python environment setup which can be activated by loading the python module:

module load python # add this to .bashrc to load it at every login

Install virtualenv

Then we need to setup a sandboxed local environment to install other packages, by using virtualenv, get the link to the latest version from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv, then download it on gordon and unpack it, e.g.

wget --no-check-certificate https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/v/virtualenv/virtualenv-1.11.2.tar.gz
tar xzvf virtualenv*tar.gz

Then create your own virtualenv and load it:

mkdir ~/venv
python virtualenv-*/virtualenv.py ~/venv/py
source ~/venv/py/bin/activate # add this to .bashrc to load it at every login

you can restore your previous environment by deactivating the virtualenv:

deactivate # from your bash prompt

Install IPython

Using pip you can install IPython and all dependencies for the notebook and parallel tools running:

pip install ipython pyzmq tornado jinja

Configure the IPython notebook

For interactive data exploration, you can run the IPython notebook in a computing node on Gordon and export the web interface to your local machine, which also embeds all the plots. Configuring the tunnelling over SSH is complicated, so I created a script, takes a little time to setup but then is very easy to use, see https://github.com/pyHPC/ipynbhpc.

Configure IPython parallel

IPython parallel on Gordon allows to launch a PBS job with tens (or hundreds) of Python engines and then easily submit hundreds (or thousands) of serial jobs to be executed with automatic load balancing. First of all create the default configuration files:

ipython profile create --parallel

Then, in ~/.ipython/profile_default/ipcluster_config.py, you need to setup:

c.IPClusterStart.controller_launcher_class = 'LocalControllerLauncher' 
c.IPClusterStart.engine_launcher_class = 'PBS' 
c.PBSLauncher.batch_template_file = u'/home/REPLACEWITHYOURUSER/.ipython/profile_default/pbs.engine.template' # "~" does not work

You also need to allow connections to the controller from other hosts, setting in ~/.ipython/profile_default/ipcontroller_config.py:

c.HubFactory.ip = '*'
c.HubFactory.engine_ip = '*'

Finally create the PBS template ~/.ipython/profile_default/pbs.engine.template:

#PBS -q normal
#PBS -N ipcluster
#PBS -l nodes={n/16}:ppn={n}:native
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -o ipcluster.out
#PBS -e ipcluster.err
#PBS -m abe
mpirun_rsh -np {n} -hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE ipengine

Here we chose to run 16 IPython engines per Gordon node, so each has access to 4GB of ram, if you need more just change 16 to 8 for example.

Run IPython parallel

You can submit a job to the queue running, n is equal to the number of processes you want to use, so it needs to be a multiple of the ppn chosen in the PBS template:

ipcluster start --n=32 &

in this case we are requesting 2 nodes, with 16 IPython engines each, check with:

qstat -u $USER

basically ipcluster runs an ipcontroller on the login node and submits a job to PBS for running the ipengines on the computing nodes.

Once the PBS job is running, check that the engines are connected by opening a IPython on the login node and print the ids:

In [1]: from IPython.parallel import Client
In [2]: rc = Client()
In [3]: rc.ids

You can stop the cluster (kills ipcontroller and runs qdel on the PBS job) either by sending CTRL-c to ipcluster or running:

ipcluster stop # from bash console

Submit jobs to IPython parallel

As soon as ipcluster is executed, ipcontroller is ready to queue jobs up, which will be then consumed by the engines once they will be running. The easiest method to submit jobs with automatic load balancing is to create a load balanced view:

In [1]: from IPython.parallel import Client
In [2]: rc = Client()
In [3]: lview = rc.load_balanced_view() # default load-balanced view

and then use its map method:

def exp_10(x):
    return x**10

list_of_args = range(100)
result = lview.map(exp_10, list_of_args)

In this code IPython will distribute uniformly the list of arguments to the engines and the function will be evalutated for each of them and the result copied back to the connecting client running on the login node.

Submit non-python jobs to IPython parallel

Let's assume you have a list of commands you want to run in a text file, one command per line, those could be implemented in any programming language, e.g.:

date &> date.log
hostname &> hostname.log

Then you create a function that executes one of those commands:

def run_command(command):
    import subprocess
    subprocess.Popen(command, shell = True)

Then apply this function to the list of commands:

list_of_commands = open("commands.txt").readlines()
lview.map(run_command, list_of_commands)

I created a script that automates this process, see https://gist.github.com/zonca/8994544, you can run as:

./ipcluster_run_commands.py commands.txt