X axis: $\ell$
Y axis: $\ell(\ell+1)/2\pi [\mu K^2] $
Click on legend tickboxes to hide/show plot, click on legend label to show one plot at a time, use bottom slider to change X axis range
Power spectra from the 1st Planck Public data release
- Combined and channels spectra in FITS format available on the release website
- Best fit power spectrum Planck+WP+highL+lensing: Planck low and high-L Temperature with lensing reconstruction, low-L WMAP9 Polarization and high-resolution CMB datasets
- HFI power spectra were binned with a weighting proportional to $\ell$
- WMAP 9 year spectrum is unbinned until $\ell$ = 47, then binned for larger $\ell$, to be more easily compared to the Planck combined spectrum
by Andrea Zonca
See blog post